Community Cups: Toe Beans! and Dog City | Java Blend Coffee
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Community Cups: Toe Beans! and Dog City

Posted by Ivy Chipman on

August, also known as Dogust, is one of SPCA's busiest times of the year. With the warm weather, their Enforcement Officers are constantly on the road to rescue abused and neglected pets - especially those in emergency situations or trapped in hot vehicles. 

August is also smack-dab in the middle of kitten season. This sounds like it would be a magical time with their tiny toe-beans and adorable purrs. While the kittens are irresistibly cute, thousands of kittens can roll in at once, making this the most challenging time for shelters and rescues. SPCA shelters become flooded with abandoned, injured, and orphaned kittens. With their cuteness, kittens bring additional expenses on already tight resources.

We are so excited to announce that The Nova Scotia SPCA is our Partner for 2022 August Community Cups Roasts - Toe Beans! and Dog City. For animal lovers with dog and cat at home, we even offer bundles with CrazyDog dehydrated treats for your pets. 

Tell us about the Nova Scotia SPCA!

Proudly following no-kill principles, the Nova Scotia SPCA is a registered charity that helps companion animals in need. Every year, approximately 15,000 pets are helped through animal rescue, progressive programs, and rehoming opportunities. Some pets were abandoned, injured, homeless, or abused… but they all deserve a second chance.


What kind of support does SPCA provide? 

"At our core, we stand for what we call the 3 R’S. Rescue, rehabilitate, and rehome. Animals come to safety at the SPCA through a number of different ways. Some were abused or neglected and seized from devastating situations. Others were abandoned or came to us when their owner passed and they had nowhere else to go." - Taylor Huestis, Communications & Development Officer at Nova Scotia SPCA.

We are proudly open admission which means that we will never turn away pets in need. We accept animals into our care regardless of their age, health, or breed.

On average, 500 hurt and homeless pets are brought into our care every month. This is the first step we take, also the first R - Rescue.

The second R is rehabilitate. And this looks different for every pet!

For some hurt and injured pets, they are rushed in for emergency veterinary care at one of our SPCA Veterinary Hospitals or Clinics. It may mean they need lifesaving surgery or medicine to help ease the pain.

Some pets need to heal physically… whereas others emotionally. In our shelters and with our trained dedicated foster families, we work around-the-clock to help rebuild their trust and show them humans are kind and loving. When pets are in foster care, the SPCA provides everything the pet needs to have a comfortable stay – litter, food, toys, you name it, we will supply it. Foster families provide socialization and help build their confidence for a promising future.

And finally, the most rewarding but bittersweet R – rehome.
It is really a rollercoaster of emotions. Sometimes it is impossible to not get attached and although we are so excited for the pet to start their next chapter, it can be hard to see them leave. We always remind ourselves that goodbye is the goal.
We are proudly no-kill which means we do not euthanize animals for space. We help to pair pets up with their perfect match so the family and animal are set up for success. On average, healthy and friendly pets are adopted into loving families in less than two weeks.

Other pets who have more unique needs may take more time. Some pets have taken more than 200 days but no matter how long it takes, we never give up on finding their happily-ever-after.

Please share with us the most memorable adoption stories.


CAT STORY - Phoebe -

Our SPCA Enforcement Officers responded to an emergency call and rescued an injured black and white cat from a small community in Cape Breton. It was clear that Phoebe’s leg was broken but x-ray scans showed that the trauma was much worse. Phoebe had been shot with a .22 caliber gun. The bullet went through her back leg into her front leg, shattering the bone. Sadly, her leg needed to be amputated to prevent a lifetime of pain and discomfort.

We had no leads as to who did this to poor Phoebe so we wanted to share a post online encouraging anyone with any information to come forward. Kelly and her partner Ethan had been following Phoebe’s journey and had already contacted their veterinarian to learn how to care for a pet missing a leg in case they were the lucky ones to adopt her. It was almost like fate stepped in! They were the very first to fill out an application for this sweet gal. Even though Phoebe only has three legs, nothing can slow her down.

Kelly shared “she creates her own makeshift staircases to get where she wants to go. One night shortly after we brought her home, she went into the closet and when we looked up, she was walking across the hangers!!! Since then, we keep closets closed haha.”


DOG STORY - Dory - 

Dory was suffering from extreme pain when she arrived at the SPCA. She was covered in fleas and filth and the dirty matts on her skin were so deep they were actually blocking the blood flow. Dory’s eye was also bulging out and needed emergency surgery before things got worse.

Because Dory was so shut down, she was in our care for a long time. 148 days to be exact. That is nearly 5 months!

She may have lost an eye, but she found a loving family. She was adopted by a young couple who absolutely adore her. She regularly has matching outfits with her fur mama and she is spoiled silly.


Tell us more about SPCA’s programs and services? 

The work never stops. Even with a global pandemic. We’ve become even busier creating programs to help pets and families at risk.

One new program is called Paws & Support. This is a free program for loving pet owners who are seeking safety, hospitalization, or facing homelessness. With Paws & Support, owned pets are cared for by the SPCA and are reunited once their owner is in a safe, healthy space. We developed  this program to help pet owners feel confident their pet is well cared for while they focus on their own wellbeing.

Another new program is the SPCA Pet Pantry. This is a free program for pet owners who are unable to afford pet food or litter and need temporary assistance. We supply nutritious food and litter and arrange for contactless pick-up. Sometimes we all just need a little help to get back up on our paws.

Our goal is to help pets, support families, and strengthen communities.


How can people get involved to support SPCA?

Some pets need one-on-one support to overcome abuse and neglect. Others need emergency medical treatment to survive. It’s tough, but you can make it easier. 


Donate - Our shelters do not receive any government funding. Important supplies like medicine and food are entirely covered by donations and fundraising. Your special gift will help heal pets and give them the hope they need and deserve.


Adopt - Homeless animals are waiting patiently for that moment when someone will look into their eyes and see how special they are. Become a hero by rescuing a pet and creating space for more animals to be saved.


Volunteer - We have more than 300 volunteers that help with animal care, admin, fundraising, TNR, and supporting our thrift stores. Come see for yourself how rewarding it is!


Foster - We provide all the supplies you need, and you open your heart and home. Fostering can be life-changing for you and truly lifesaving for pets. 


Learn more by visiting 


Join us to support SPCA!

$1 from every bag of Toe Beans! and Dog City sold, $3 from every bundle sold will be donated to The Nova Scotia SPCA, along with all drip coffee sales on Community Cups day on August 8th and 26th.

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