Cafetto Brew Clean Powder (500G) | Java Blend Coffee
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Cafetto Brew Clean Powder (500G)

Cafetto Brew Clean Powder (500G)


Clean filter coffee brew baskets, servers, air pots and coffee pots with Brew Clean powder, designed to remove coffee oils and coffee stain, providing a superior clean.

Brew Clean is biodegradable and certified for use in organic systems, which means that if you're using organic coffee beans and milk, you're fulfilling an end-to-end organic experience.

Cleaning Instructions

  1. Place one scoop of Brew Clean (4g) per 1L (35 oz.) in the brew basket.
  2. Ensure the coffee server is under the brew basket.
  3. Activate the brewing cycle allowing the cleaning solution to flow into the server.
  4. When the brew cycle is finished, rinse the brew basket in fresh water.
  5. Leave the solution in the server to stand for a minimum of 15 minutes then drain.
  6. Thoroughly rinse the server with fresh water.