Community Cups: Care to Become | Java Blend Coffee
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Community Cups: Care to Become

Posted by Ivy Chipman on

We are glad to partner with Gender Affirming Care Nova Scotia for our first Community Cups in 2023!  The coffee roast dedicated to support @gacnovascotia is "Care to Become"


Tell us about Gender Affirming Care Nova Scotia (GACNS) please!

"GACNS is a non-profit volunteer organization run by the Community, for the Community. Our four person team pushes for change to provincial policy change surrounding health equity and access for members of the trans, intersex, and gender diverse Community."


What projects is GACNS currently working on?

"We are currently consulting with multiple provincial departments to support EDIRA (Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Reconciliation, and Accessibility) policy efforts to ensure that they include comprehensive support for health equity and access for our Community. We are also supporting the development of a pilot program to provide a one-stop-shop for transition referrals with MSVU and Dalhousie."


What would make the greatest difference in helping GACNS get better at what you do, or help the organization to reach the goals?

"Community partnerships! GACNS believes in collaborative programming and outreach as the basis for all community work, and strives to partner with other organizations across Nova Scotia and the Atlantic Provinces to put on events, fundraisers, direct action efforts, etc.. All marginalized communities succeed when we push together and stand in solidarity with one another."


Is there anything else that you wish more people knew about GACNS?

"Did you know that Nova Scotia is the most transgender province per-capita in Canada? For more than two years, we have worked to create a province that reflects this reality, allowing us to lead the way in transgender, intersex, and gender diverse rights and healthcare. We go beyond just gender affirming care, with our focus being on health equity and access for the entire 2SLGBTQIA+ community with an increased focus on some of our most marginalized members, trans, intersex, and gender diverse persons. We are an all-volunteer organization. Our entire board works in a fully volunteer capacity, with some of us putting in full-time hours on top of their work and school obligations."


How does GACNS keep supporters informed about your work?

"Supporters can stay up-to-date on GACNS through our website,, @gacnovascotia on Twitter and Instagram, and by signing up for our upcoming newsletter via our website"


Learn more about Gender Affirming Care Nova Scotia by visiting


Join us to support Gender Affirming Care Nova Scotia!

$1 from every bag of Care to Become sold will be donated to Gender Affirming Care Nova Scotia, along with all drip coffee sales on Community Cups days during the period from January to March 2023.

All drip coffee sales from the following Community Cups Days will be donated to GACNS, along with $1 from every bag of "CARE TO BECOME" sold.

January 18 (Wednesday) - Gourmet Coffee Day
February 20 (Monday) - World Day of Social Justice
March 30 (Thursday) - International Transgender Day of Visibility



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