Community Cups March: Unlock Herstory | Java Blend Coffee
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Community Cups March: Unlock Herstory

Posted by Cailen Pygott on

Photo of a key in a woman's hand with text "it has the power to unlock more than just a door."

Happy March! As Winter comes to a close and Spring approaches we are looking forward to weekend storms making way for brand new flowers. Fittingly, our Community Cups local partner this month is an organization with an exciting new project preparing to bloom.

Adsum For Women & Children has been providing safe shelter and housing support for women in need since 1983. Since opening their doors Adsum has helped thousands of people, housing as many as 300 people per year across their locations. More still access Adsum’s support in the form of food, clothing and connection. Adsum employs an anti-oppression, feminist and trauma-informed framework while following their guiding principles of respect, trust, self-worth and inclusion. Adsum works with many women of marginalized identities, First Nations women and also newcomers to the country. Since 2008 Adsum has adopted a policy of trans-inclusion, recognizing the unique challenges faced by transgender, non-binary and genderqueer individuals navigating the shelter system.

Two photos of women in their new homes provided by Adsum.

Last year Adsum broke ground on an exciting new development project in Lakeside: The Sunflower. Consisting of 25 housing units as well as a community space (Sunflower Court and Sunflower House respectively) The Sunflower is the result of Adsum securing $4 Million in funding from the Rapid Housing Initiative. Working with local construction professionals like Cobequid Consulting, DORA Construction and Passive Design Solutions, Adsum is seeing their vision of a net zero, energy efficient community come to life. The Sunflower is named in tribute to Patti Melanson: a nurse, health and housing advocate, and recipient of the Order of Nova Scotia. The name was chosen by Patti’s daughters, Ella and Mackenzie. It’s a fitting name, as Mackenzie says: “Our mom believed that people, no matter their circumstances, should not be treated with judgment, only compassion. Sunflower Court will be a place where, like sunflowers, its residents will find the light, warmth and safety they need and deserve.” The Sunflower is expected to see completion and occupancy this Spring, a welcome addition to the new life brought on by the season.

Rendering of the Sunflower project

We are very proud to be working alongside Adsum in recognition of International Women’s Day. This month’s Community Cup, Unlock Herstory, will be launching on March 4th. A single-origin from Peru, the beans have sourced from a co-op supporting gender equality which you’ll be hearing more about very soon.

Housing security is often the most important step in anyone’s journey out of poverty and cycles of discrimination. Providing someone keys to a house unlocks more than a door: it opens an entire world of hope and opportunity.

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